a Science Based Company
Copyright © 2014 CANTENE - P.IVA 09645800013
Climacheck is a diagnostic portable station. Consists of a series of sensors and probes of pressure and temperature by which it is possible monitor trends of the main phisical param,eters in the interesting points of the machine.
Measurements points are selected in order to draw the thermodinamic cycle according with the   machine is running.
Through specific spreadsheets based on pluriennal experience of Climacheck engineers it is possible compare experimental results with benchmark and to elaborate a diagnosis.

Monitoring is the base for every optimization strategy
The ClimaCheck Method

The method that helps you to reduce energy costs and negative environmental effects - and gets you happier/more satisfied customers

The absolute majority of cooling systems do not function as efficiently as they should, with higher energy costs and increased CO2 emissions as a result. In order to decrease energy consumption there is a need to know how the equipment works. Good analysis and troubleshooting methods are the foundation to optimise operations and minimise shut-downs and business interruptions.

The objective ClimaCheck Method

The ClimaCheck method allows you as a property owner, contractor, consultant or manufacturer to analyse and evaluate practically every type of cooling system. In a normal cooling process, the method is based on ten measuring points that are connected to collect key data. The ClimaCheck Performance Analyser valuates this data immediately and records performance. You quickly get a complete picture of how the equipment is working and what adjustments can be made to increase energy efficiency.

The ClimaCheck Method is based completely on physical data for the cooling medium and basic correlations. You get a tool to document the performance of cooling processes that are independent of input from the system or component suppliers - and therefore completely neutral and unbiased.

Flexibility and Continuity

ClimaCheck offers total solutions for performance inspections, analysies and monitoring of heat pumps, air conditioning and cooling compressors. If you want to conduct temporary measurements at the start of operations, service or inspections, you use our portable equipment. Within 30 minutes of connection you will have complete documentation and analysis of the equipment’s performance and the functions of all components. The mobile solution gives store and property owners, Contractors and Consultants immediate and precise answers as to how heat pumps, cooling and air conditioning units operate.
LIBRETTO D'IMPIANTO: read our technical flyer about update italian standard about measurement and equipment testing for your facility or system.

Check the performance of your heating system is mandatory in Italy starting from October

                                            Use Climacheck and respect the law